RoboCup2D Tutorial


Represents the linear equation: aX + bY + c = 0. This class is very useful to calculate the players or the ball path and check if a point or line intercepts another line.


Some methods of this class:

// calculates the Euclidian distance of a point to this line
double dist( const Vector2D & p ) const
// check if this line is parallel to another line
bool isParallel( const Line2D & line ) const
// returns the intersection point of this line with another line
Vector2D intersection( const Line2D & line ) const
// returns the perpendicular line to this line starting from a specific point
Line2D perpendicular( const Vector2D & p ) const
// returns the intersection point of two lines
static Vector2D intersection( const Line2D & line1, const Line2D & line2 );
// returns the angle bisector
static Line2D angle_bisector( const Vector2D & origin, const AngleDeg & left, const AngleDeg & right )
